Get in touch
This practice is derived from two ancient disciplines: Clubbell® training and Hatha Yoga. The practice evolved from an intelligent integration of strength training into yoga poses using Scott Sonnon's mini-Clubbells. Clubbell Yoga is a unique way to train for balance, flexibility, core strength and muscle endurance.
Clubbell Yoga is a non-dogmatic form of training intelligent movement and breath. This practice is considered mind body exercise with an emphasis on alignment. All Clubbell Yoga poses have modifications so that any BODY can find freedom in the practice.
Clubbell Yoga can be practiced by all beings everywhere. It is our mission to bring Clubbell Yoga people of all walks of life. We aim to help people cultivate a positive body image and empower them to seek out their highest self. All NEW instructors are required to donate 4 hours of teaching to a group outside of a 'traditional' yoga setting.
Become part of our community online via Facebook, Youtube, or as an ambassador. Yoga teachers and personal trainers interested in learning the practice can apply to host or attend a workshop. Summer teaches in the US and abroad throughout the year.