Summer's Bio: Summer Huntington is a Head Coach at RMAX International. Her primary objective is to help bridge the gap between strength training and yoga by infusing weighted Clubbells into traditional vinyasa classes. She has earned both her undergraduate and masters degree in Exercise Science: Human Movement & Performance, and is an experienced yoga teacher. Her other work experience is teaching group fitness in many formats, corporate wellness and she has been a personal trainer for her entire professional career. Summer practices and teaches vinyasa flow yoga & now Clubbell Yoga with an emphasis on alignment, thoughtful sequencing and cultivating a soothing meditation through movement. Summer has been a longtime student of Scott Sonnon, founder of the Circular Strength Training (CST) method, which is mind-body exercise using a Clubbell. Her joint-mobility, Prasara yoga and Flow Fit background allow her to help students to unlock bound areas and allows for training of the nervous system. Summer's yoga practices are challenging, but playful. She encourages smiling and letting go during your practice to uncover your innate ability to find freedom through movement. A native from Washington state, Summer recently returned from a 2 year stint living in New York City where she taught people to find balance in their lives and grow a personal home yoga practice.
Summer's Vision for Clubbell Yoga:
"CST as a system has made serious headway internationally over the past decade or so because it is such an intelligent style of training, over 68 countries have certified CST instructors/coaches. Yoga in our country has also been growing at a rapid rate, and is now an entire industry of its own. Both CST and Yoga today are forms of mind body exercise, both are derived from ancient practices, and both approach the body as a whole. It is my hope that our existing CST instructors and coaches will help bring Clubbell Yoga to their cadres, and that yoga instructors who are looking to strengthen their practice will also share this unique system with their students. Someday, I envision that Clubbells as props in a yoga studio will be commonplace and yogis will have a new way to train for yoga and strengthen their practice." -Summer Huntington

About Summer Huntington