• Interest in teaching Clubbell Yoga
• Some experience in yoga (going to group yoga classes or home practice)
• Experience teaching group fitness or yoga is a plus (but not required)
• Experience with CST, Clubbell Training or TACFIT is a plus
Personal Fitness Benefits from Clubbell Yoga Seminar
• Learn how to implement joint mobility, circular strength exercises and more into a yoga class seamlessly
• Learn how to teach movement and not just static poses
• Learn to integrate Clubbell exercises specific to yoga athletes into group vinyasa classes with ease
• Learn to teach students to improve their single leg balance, body awareness and proprioception with Clubbells
• Learn bonus vinyasa flows (other than the ones presented on the DVD series) to integrate into classes,
• Learn how to create your own vinyasa flows for your class lesson plans, using principles of sequencing.
• Learn how to modify poses using props, without alienating students of different skill levels
• Learn how to teach effectively and concisely
• Learn how to brand yourself as a Clubbell Yoga teacher
• Learn how to teach the Clubbell Yoga class format with ease
• Get one on one coaching with Summer Huntington, the creator of the Clubbell Yoga practice
• 15% discount on RMAX books, videos and equipment
• Free Clubbell Yoga mat and tank top
What Clubbell Yoga Instructors can offer
• A unique style of strength infused yoga that blends mindful exercise with traditional asana
• Ability to train yoga athletes for strength, balance & flexibility
• A class that will set them apart from other classes
• A fusion style format that is fun and empowering
• A segway into other CST training modalities like FlowFit, Prasara, Intu-Flow and Clubbell Training.
Expectations of Clubbell Yoga Candidates
• Before arriving, be able to complete all Clubbell Yoga flows on Clubbell Yoga DVD series as well as the joint mobility warm ups and Clubbell Yoga exercises.
• Be familiar with Clubbell Yoga Manual, Encyclopedia of Clubbell Training DVDs, Free to Move and Prasara Yoga books.
• Be familiar with English names of all Clubbell Yoga poses and basic alignment cues for each pose.
Post seminar expectations: This is not a "pay for certification" type of seminar, but much more. After the seminar, the learning continues and you must demonstrate what you have learned by submitting follow up materials. This ensures that you are able to put your knowledge into action and will help create quality instructors. Once you have completed the following, you are eligible to receive your certification and become recognized as a Clubbell Yoga teacher or Ambassador.
Post Seminar Requirements to become certified in CLUBBELL YOGA:
Clubbell Yoga Teacher Candidates:
• Submit 4 different class lesson plans with all elements of the Clubbell Yoga class format present. You can create 2 while at the seminar and 2 on your own.
• Teach 4 hours of Clubbell Yoga to a group of people who would not normally have access to this style of class. Stay with the same group for 4 weeks and film 10 minutes of the last class (specifically the Clubbell Yoga vinyasa section).
How to register:
1. Register on-line or by mail.
If registering on-line:
CLICK to view and select the seminar of your choice.
If registering by mail, mail a check or money order to:
RMAX.tv Productions395 Winkler Dr., Suite 200Alpharetta, GA 30004
Include on your check the dates for the seminar of your choice.
You will be contacted by RMAX.tv Productions with registration confirmation and details for completing your registration.
2. After registration send an email to seminars@rmaxinternational.com and
a. answer the following questions:
* What is your experience with practicing Yoga (styles, years, frequency/consistency)?
* What is your experience (if any) with teaching Yoga (styles, setting, years)?
* What is your experience (if any) as a CST or TACFIT Instructor/Coach/Head Coach?
* What are you hoping to gain from attending the first Clubbell Yoga seminar?
* Do you agree to prepare for the seminar rigorously before attending? If so, what is your plan?
b. confirm desired weight for your free mini-clubbells (3 lbrs or 5 lbrs) and your USA shipping address.