About the Introduction Class:
"This was an awesome intro class. Summer, you did a GREAT job taking us through the "taster". This is going to surely make an impact. Thanks again for your wonderful energy, generous spirit and sharing the expression of your heart! Looking forward to the full program once it's released." - Shane Heins, Vancouver, BC
"First class was last night and I am still working on the words to describe how good it felt and how fun it was. Summer's instruction is thorough and genuine. The movement is healing, strenuous, opening and flowing seamlessly into weighted and empty hand poses. As long as I'm in town I owe it to myself to be there on Tuesday and Thursday evenings!"
- Doug Szolek, Bellingham, WA
"Summer Huntington came by the cage (Air & Marine Facility) to teach the fellas some Clubbell Yoga. We were so blessed to have her there. Look out for the release of the program. All I can say is that she has made the Clubbell as essential a tool for yoga as a mat, towel, water, block or strap. For the tactically driven practitioner or grappler, her fusion is ideal to opening and reseting those issues caused by body armor, gear, and guard postures. Thanks Summer, you are welcome in the cage anytime!" - Dave Simeur, Bellingham, WA
What students are saying...

About the 1st Clubbell Yoga Instructor Certification:
"I loved the content: from breathing techniques to Yogi Flowfit and Clubbell Yoga technique. I also love how we have the DVD, Manual and the workbook to reference. Reading the manual is a must, because the two day workshop is for DOING!
- Brie Helmuth, HIp Hop Instructor
"I thought the Clubbell Yoga training was an effective and streamlined seminar. Catering to people who want to integrate both Clubbell Yoga and CST into their teaching/training." - Irena Lambrou, 200 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher
"As a strength and conditioning coach for elite athletic performance, including professional hockey players - I will be incorporating many of the Clubbell Yoga poses and flows into my training to help them with joint restriction and ultimately give them a higher resilience to injury. " - Kerry Timko, Elite Sports Performance Coach
"The seminar was absolutely amazing. It brought me a new found appreciation for an ancient practice -fusing Clubbells with Yoga was genius, challenging and entertaining! This certification workshop was hands down amazing. I would recommend this to anyone looking to broaden their knowledge base of Clubbells or Yoga."
- Natalie Smitherman, Personal Trainer