As a trainer, you may be interested in learning to teach your clients the biomechanics of Yoga... but are not able to attend a 200 hour yoga teacher training. This complete instructor certification will save you time, accelerate your understanding of modern yoga and help you train your clients using the Clubbell.
The Clubbell Yoga Instructor Certification is intended for fitness professionals to better understand yoga asana; both strength/power based poses and flexibility/mobility based poses.
Once an instructor has a knowledge of yoga and how to use a combination of strength and flexibility to help their clients, the sky is the limit.
Clubbell Yoga is a broad system derived from Circular Strength Training (CST). It can be offered in many different formats including:
Clubbell Yoga Vinyasa Classes - with a focus on strength, balance, stability and flow
Clubbell Yoga Private Sessions - one on one guidance to learn a home practice
Clubbell Yoga Exercises - for personal training & weight loss
Clubbell Yoga Hatha Style - teaching the individual poses
Clubbell Yoga & Mobility - for increasing range of motion (especially in older adults)
Yogi FlowFit - for bodyweight conditioning classes
The main people who seek out Clubbell Yoga Certifications are those who recognize the boom in the yoga industry and want to stay competive with offering their clients/students the best training possible.
Personal Trainers who specialize in functional fitness
Russian Kettlebell Specialists
Clubbell Instructors/Practioners
Yoga Instructors
Group Fitness Teachers
Fitness Studio Owners
TACFit Instructors
Power Yoga Studio Owners & Teachers
Clubbell Yoga is not a style of Yoga...
"It is a way to train for strength and power using ancient wisdom."
- Scott Sonnon